
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Her unhappy face

Look at the poor baby . . . she was tired of having her picture taken, and after . . .oh about 500 or so, who wouldn't be!

Oh boy . . .

Yes - we understand this is a glimpse of our future! And yes - we are scared!

Yay! She likes Dr Seuss!

Thankfully Emmi likes Dr Seuss! Good thing since that is still all over her room!

Emmi is eating real food!

At about 9 months, Emmi refused to take food from a spoon anymore. Ever since, she has been trying more and more foods. Of course, as you can see by the picture - the dog is loving it!

Finally some pictures!

Emmi is drinking from a big girl cup! What a story! She refused to drink from a sippy cup, then would only use one kind (and without the special piece of equipment to prevent it from leaking). But - we have had success! Now she drinks like a pro - even asking for milk or water by using sign language!