
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Needs no words!

Bath Time

She LOVES her baths! She stayes so calm. She really loves having her hair washed!

Here is tired daddy - he stayed at the hospital the entire time!

Our little baby burrito. She did not enjoy swaddling for long. She loves to kick her legs out and she became a little Houdini in getting her arms out of every swaddle!

Once Andy remembered he had a camera in his hand, this picture was snapped before they brought her around for mommy to see her. She made enough noise to pass her Apgar test with a 9 before she became calm and peaceful.

New Pictures

There's not too much goo in the picture so the sqeamish need not look away. Here is the moment we discovered we would be bringing home Emily Kay! The doctor - and I think some nurses - shouted the famous words "It's a girl!" What a moment!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Proud parents and a BEAUTIFUL baby!

What can I say? She's gorgeous!

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Say hello to baby Emily Kay! 8lbs. 6 oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. MANY more pictures to come.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


Another update!

So, Baby Shearer is refusing to join us, so the doctor is going to force the arrival!

We check into the hospital for an overnight induction Thursday, August 2!

Scary - but finally !!

So we'll check in again with everyone soon.