
Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More nursery !!

It's finally done! It seems funny since the baby will be in our room for a little while, but it still feels good having it all done!

The Baby Belly !!

So here I am. Belly and all. Ready to go, but I don't think I qualify as ready to pop!


Monday, June 11, 2007

Thanks to so many wonderful friends and family, the closet is stuffed and ready for the little one!

Nana made these wonderful puzzles to hang on the wall! (Ignore the dates on these pictures - the photographer does not remember to remove it every time!)

Look what Dr Seuss greeting cards can become!

Here is proud Grandpa Steve and the cradle he made for the baby.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

New Nursery Pics!

This is the new phone Nana got for us!! Once we finally get the valance and the new wall hangings up, be on the look out for more pictures!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

The nursery!

Finally! Pictures of the nursery!

Ignore the date on the camera! : )

We took a day and painted with Nana's help, and now we just have to get stuff up on the walls. We have a beautiful valance to put up - handmade - and need ideas for a shade or curtains - or maybe we just keep the blinds?

Thank you Nana!